Matematika :

Jul 20, 2011

Cara Membuat Udang dengan Menggunakan Sedotan

Make a Shrimp out of a Plastic Straw
Satu lagi hiasan yang menarik yang dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan sedotan adalah membuat udang seperti tampak pada gambar di atas.

Langkah Pembuatan (dalam gambar)
Cut along the length of the straw until you get to the bendy part.Make two additional cuts, splitting the straw into three pieces.Fold the skinniest piece in half, lengthwise.Wrap one of the other pieces under the folded piece.Pull it around and over the folded piece, then through the loop it made in the previous step.Pull tight.Turn it around and do the same with the other piece.Turn back to the other side piece and pull it so that it's parallel to the folded piece.Crease it at the base so it stays put.Pull it under, around and through like you did the other knots.Pull it tight.Turn it around and do the same to the other side (crease, pull under, around and through, pull tight).It should look like this on the top.It should look like this on the side.Keep going until you don't have enough of either piece to knot any more.It should look like this now.Pull one of the side pieces up and crease the fold at the base.Fold it in half and crease it at the fold.Cut it to make legs.Trim the folded piece (the one that had the other two pieces wrapped around it) to the length you want your shrimp's antennae.Cut the piece in half lengthwise.Trim them to half their length, then trim the bottom ones additionally.Curl the antennae with your nail.Flatten the tail past the bendy part so you can cut more easily.Trim the tail in a rounded cut.Slit the sides of the tail and then bend it in a shrimpy shape (see the video below).Admire your straw shrimp!.

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